Contact Suzi
I love hearing from my community and audience so won't make you jump through a million hoops to reach me. You can just email and my team at Before you do however, please check if your question is already answered below in the FAQs.
I love people who do this and I am privileged to be in a position where lovely people do send me really nice messages especially about the podcast and my content generally. The best way to do that is actually to DM me on Instagram or Facebook. You are far more likely to get me rather than someone on my team. I also get a lot of emails every day whereas Instagram is my tinest platform so you will likely get a faster response there.
Just a heads up: If you send me marketing crap on DM on Facebook or Instagram (or ask me to pay to be on your "top 10 leaders" lists), be warned.... I will block you. I hate those kinda things. Just letting ya know.
No. I work with you and your inner world. I no longer teach how to build an online course or membership because 15 years of experience and working with 1000s of entrepreneurs and small business owners taught me that the real secret to success as an entrepreneur is working inside of you. Plus, in all honesty, you can find everything you need to know about building an online passive income course for free on YouTube. It isn't hard. What is hard and which people often need help with because they can't just google it is the stuff I work with you on. Without the inner work, your business will hit obstacles and I help you smash through those invisible inner glass ceilings. Oh, and I am inner work on steroids. You won't have experienced stuff like this before!
Thank you for thinking about me as someone you might like to have on your show. I am grateful.
Whether I will say yes or not depends what your podcast is about. To save us both time, these are request I would typically say yes to (and ones I would say no to):
More likely to get a yes
- You have an audience which is largely entrepreneurial (any age) who don't mind the odd "oh shit" comment slipping out (sometimes they do).
- You have a good social media following on at least one platform and you let me know about your following in your request.
- You intend to promote the interview on email and social media.
- You are a big believer in collaboration over competition and genuinely want to promote other entrepreneurs. If your focus is promoting women, female leadership, women making money and entrepreneurship even better.
More likely to get a no
- You are big on the whole Bro Marketing method of business. Not my thing.
- Your social feed is full of "The thing I hate about..." energy where you market based on putting others down.
- Your audience is mainly men using old school tactics.
Topics I kinda like:
- Energetic Leadership and Entrepreneurs
- Inner blocks for women, entrepreneurs and leaders.
- How life and business are so intertwined when it comes to blocks.
- How women and entrepreneurs self sabotage and how that damages their income.
- Emotional Survival Patterns® - what they are and why I created them.
- My own therapeutic method of Core Coding® Therapy.
- How schools fail entrepreneurs.
- How emotions get in the way of your success.
- Entrepreneurs and money mindset.
- Neurodiversity and entrepreneurship.
- Limiting beliefs and entrepreneurs.
- Entrepreneurial fears and inner blocks.
- Nervous system work.
- Parenting neurodiversity
- Neurodiversity and business
Whilst I do my best to niche, I am kinda multi-passionate (and a total ADHD brain so like a LOT of things). I am also a 1-4 MG in Human Design which, if you know HD means you will know I like to learn about a LOT of things. Chances are, if your gut feeling is to ask me, it is the right thing to do. So, just ask 🙂
How much notice I need for an interview
I love talking about the inner world of entrepreneurship but I am also juggling lots of things. So any requests on less than 3 week's notice are unlikely to get a yes.
Listen to your intuition and your gut. And then listen to my podcast as that is a great way to get to know me. Or just email me. I tend to reply to emails personally when they are about interview requests and I think we are in alignment. It is also a two way street. I take on clients where we BOTH click and it feels natural. You are unlikely to find me pitching to you or trying to persuade you. If it FEELS right, go for it.
You can also DM me on Instagram or Facebook or Linked In or just see my social media content.
Yes. I link things in the podcast and send things out on my mailing list. 4 things you should definitely be aware of are
1. The ESP® Quiz which you can do HERE
2. The Inside Out® Wisdom series which you can join HERE
3. The Inside Out Entrepreneur® Podcast which you can subscribe to HERE
4. My YouTube Channel which is where I am starting to add some of my own meditations and inner work HERE
You can do the ESP® Quiz HERE and your results will be emailed to you immediately after you take it. If you don't get an email, please check your spam and add to your phone contact list.
Contact Form
Or, if you prefer plain old email, please email and someone will get back to you.
Want to start your entrepreneurial day the inside out® way?
Start with the
If you need a bit more guidance on how to kick start your day with working from the inside out®, download the Inside Out® morning routine e-book.
You can also listen to a podcast episode about it HERE.
Where wellbeing matters as much as wealth