We have separated certain important disclaimers to this website page. However, the full terms and conditions still apply. The pages that comprise the full terms and conditions are https://suzibelmont.com/disclaimer/ and https://suzibelmont.com/termsandconditions and https://suzibelmont.com/privacypolicy/
This page may not include all relevant disclaimers and privacy policies. You acknowledge that the full terms and conditions still apply and you should ensure you read those. By continuing to use this site you accept to be bound by the full terms and conditions in composite.
We have undertaken every effort to accurately represent information in our programs and content on the Website and as part of our Services. However, there is no guarantee of any specific result or outcome. Each user of the Website and Services comes to the Website and Services with their own unique background and life experiences. It is up to you, the user, to make decisions for yourself as to what is best for you. We cannot guarantee success or positive outcomes merely based on the purchase and use of our Services or Website.
There is no guarantee that you will get any specific result or earn any specific amount of money using the Services or information provided on the Website.
When we showcase testimonials, we showcase truthful and exceptional results which may not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any results or information as any kind of expectation, promise, guarantee or likely outcome from our Services. You results are determined by a number of factors which are unique to you including, but not limited to, your experience, your mental health, your financial condition, your skill set, your life experience, your level of education, your effort and changes within the economy and the market.
Working on your mindset, energy, inner world and your business success carries risk and your use of any information contained within this Website, within our Services or our content is entirely at your own risk.
Should you continue to use our site or Services you are agreeing that you, and you alone, are responsible for any decision you make about your business, life, health, wellbeing or relationships.
Sometimes, IOML or its directors, employees or staff may refer to other products, services, coaches, consultants, and/or experts. Should we do this, it is never intended as an endorsement or statement that the information provided by the other party is accurate. It is always your sole responsibility to make checks and carry out your own investigations about other Company’s products, services, coaching, therapy or consulting work.
You will find testimonials from clients and customers of Suzi Belmont and IOML on the Website. These reflect statements made by clients and/or past customers of Suzi Belmont and have been truthfully conveyed on this Website.
However, just because one client has achieved results does not guarantee you will achieve the same results. You recognise that testimonials are not a guarantee of your own results or results taht any one else may obtain.
IOML and us do not guarantee any results whatsoever as a result of you taking any specific action, whether recommended by us or not.
As per the general Terms and Conditions, nothing on this Website or in the Services is to be construed as advice. It is merely opinion. Your ultimate success or failure in what you are seeking to achieve is the result of your own efforts, your life situation, and multiple other factors that may affect your results many of which may be unknown to IOML. You recognise that prior results do not guarantee the same or a similar outcome at a later date. In any business, there is always an element of good timing and good fortune.
Anything on this Website or contained within the Services (whether paid or free) or stated by Suzi Belmont or IOML (including on social media channels and the podcast) does not constitute medical or professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content provided by Suzi Belmont, IOML, this Website (and social media pages) are intended to provide general information for educational purposes only.
Anything said or written or in any way communicated should NOT be taken as a replacement for medical, clinical, professional advice, diagnosis or medical intervention. If you take any action or inaction as a result of interacting with IOML, the Website, it’s Services or any of our social media channels or information resources, this action or inaction is based solely on your own decision and IOML, Suzi Belmont or any of the directors, employees or staff cannot be held responsible for your action or inaction or any consequences, whether foreseen or otherwise.
Accessing or otherwise using the Website, the Services, the social media channels (including the podcast) does not create a therapist - patient relationship between you and us. If you choose to contact us to provide personal or medical information this also does not create any therapist patient relationships between you and us. Nothing in this Website, the Services or any of our information products or social media (including the podcast) intend to establish a therapist-patient relationship or to replace the services of a medically trained therapist, doctor or health professional and cannot be used to substitute for professional mental health, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
You recognise that all information on the Website, contained within the Services or otherwise is consumed by you at entirely your own risk and you agree to assume all such risks as your responsibility.