Your Emotional Survival Pattern® Results!
Below is a brief summary of each of the Emotional Survival Patterns® so you can start to build more of a picture about what might be happening in your inner entrepreneurial world.
ESPs sabotage your business and your life. In order to uplevel in your business, you need to understand how your personal ESPs are causing you to self sabotage and limit the money and success you achieve and how you then manage the ESPs.
This is something I cover in my Inside Out® Mastery Course HERE

The Hider Emotional Survival Pattern®
A strong Hider ESP wrecks havock with your business because it works hard to ensure you remain largely invisible in your business and sabotages your efforts to be seen.
The Hider ESP works hard inside of you to ensure that you don't show the true you. You might not be showing up online or only showing a part of you. You might be holding back from posting what you really think, avoiding meet ups or lurking in Facebook groups. You might be worried that you will forget what you have to say as you are putting so much effort and energy into maintaining the false you that you don't have anything left to show the real you. You might be worried that if you show yourself or become successful, people will then need to see you and you don't feel ready or able to cope with that (even though you really want the success).

The Overachiever Emotional Survival Pattern®
An active Overachiever ESP tries to ensure you keep working and you are often doing too much and can't seem to stop or relax.
The Overachiever ESP is a very masculine energy where you are always doing and always working. You do too much and can't seem to stop it like an internal program is driving you this way. Intellect and work is a resource you use to stop you feeling empty inside. Your self worth is likely heavily linked to what you achieve in life and work. You might be driving yourself beyond reasonable limits in pursuit of goals you have set. You often feel guilty for not doing more and you often overcomplicate business rather than allowing it to be easy. You are really hard on yourself and you may be sabotaging relationships because your standards are so high.

The Overthinker Emotional Survival Pattern®
A consistent Overthinker ESP tries to find a feeling of safety in life and in business by THINKING. But you can't think your way to feeling safe....
The Overthinking ESP tries to take you from your body into your mind. It tries to think your way into feeling safe. You might feel constantly anxious and you constantly overanalyse everything to try and spot patterns to keep you safe from rejection or criticism. Even when you finish analysing you start to doubt your decisions and re-analyse a different way leaving you stuck in analysis paralysis. You struggle to take consistent long term actions because you self sabotage any plans you make. You often catestrophise and may have a negative slant on your thinking about your future business. You constantly feel overwhelmed and are usually hyper vigilant.

The Overgiver Emotional Survival Pattern®
A determined Overgiver ESP is all about helping, giving and fixing other people. But you do this to the detriment of your own wellbeing
The Overgiver ESP is a fixer and a helper. You give to everyone else and find it very hard to say No or to set boundaries. You sacrifice your own needs for the needs of others. Your self worth is typically defined on what and how much you fo for other people. You try and build your self worth by doing more but this then leaves no time for you and your true desires in your business. You are consumed by helping others but this means you lose contact with what you really want. You might be great at speaking up for others or listening to others but not good at effectively doing this for yourself (except when you have an emotional outburst). Really, you just wish others would give to you.

The Controller Emotional Survival Pattern®
A strong Controller ESP seeks to maintain controll of everything in their life and business including controlling burden and blame (even if self blame).
The Controller ESP shows up in your business by making you feel unsafe if you aren't in control. You don't delegate or, when you do, you don't do it in a CEO level way and retain some control (or you even micromanage). Trust is a real issue for you if your Controller ESP is leading. You struggle to let go or relax and doubt other people will do things properly which means it is really hard for you to properly grow a team without demotivating them. You might have a high turnover of employees or constantly be complaining about your team. You tend to dominate in social situations and might talk a lot due to nerves. Your energy is less focused on listening and more focused on staying in control.

The Perfectionist Emotional Survival Pattern®
The Perfectionist ESP is one of the least understood ESPs for most people because it is not really about perfection
The Perfectionist ESP wants to get things right because of what this feels like and what this is made to mean. You might be highly anxious and there is often environmental and social connections maintaining this ESP alongside inner wounds. You might be stuck in planning mode in your business or unable to uplevel to the next income. Or you may have plateaued and you aren't sure why. You are typically someone who likes to investigate things and understand how things fit together and you might find it hard to trust without checking all angles. Unlike the Overachiever EPS, the Perfectionist ESP is all about the details. If you make mistakes, you feel a need to correct them quickly else it bugs you.

The Imposter Emotional Survival Pattern®
The Imposter ESP is a really insecure ESP who is scare about being found out and tends to show up with a shyness even if you are a normally confident person
The Imposter ESP is really scared or being 'found out' even when it is not entirely sure what will be found out because logically, it knows you have credentials. It just doesn't feel or accept them. You may often ask other people for their views on your business and next level rather than trusting your own judgement. You often look at peers and wonder what you are doing with them as you don't see your own success on a level with theirs (even when it is). You might be paralysed with self doubt that stops you moving forwards. You usually play down your accomplishments or really notice when other entrepreneurs don't play down theirs and you feel 'off' watching them show their success, not because you don't want them to but because it triggers something in you that you can't process.

The Comparer Emotional Survival Pattern®
A Comparer ESP is constantly scanning 360 degrees and what is happening around them and as a result often loses focus on what matters for you.
The Comparer ESP is marked by a real sense of dissatisfaction even after you have achieved success; it doesn't last long before you lose the feeling. Although you are running your own business and life, almost all your decisions are based on comparing to someone else's business. This means you often go off course or lose contact with your true purpose. You might feel like you are constantly playing catch up or can't keep up because you are slipping into follower mentality rather than being someone who leads herself. You might constantly question whether what you create is enough because is it is "just" you. You might get angry at times and you fear judgement by others.

The Self Doubter Emotional Survival Pattern®
A Self Doubter ESP is usually very deep rooted and lacks self worth and self compassion. This ESP is constantly trying to be heard because, at its core, it feels undervalued.
The Self Doubter ESP doesn't trust you to be the leader of your business. As a result, you frequently struggle to make progress towards your goals and you really fear failing so you don't ever go all in. This ESP will lead you to blame yourself for any small thing that goes wrong, even when it is not really your fault. The Self Doubter is endlessly seeking external validation and qualification and focuses on certifications, badges, accreditations as proof of something working rather than your results and how you and your clients feel. You might be a seriel course junkie and you are usually operating from a lack and scarcity energetic frequency and mindset.

The Procrastinator Emotional Survival Pattern®
A rooted Procrastinator ESP likes to stay as still as possible because any movement is frightening. The Procrastinator is a constructor of internal barriers.
The Procrastinator ESP often appears with companion behaviours like procrastilearning, procrasticleaning and procrastithinking. You don't make decisions that enable you to move forward and often don't notice how much you are procrastinating. This is because the Procrastinator ESP has really sophisticated methods of stopping you move so that you don't always spot it showing up in your business You really want to move your business to the next level but something always seems to slow you down or stop you. You often try and make the future certain before taking any steps but in doing so, you eliminate possibility and so you are kept small in your business and your income.

The Criticizer Emotional Survival Pattern®
A strong Criticizer ESP doesn't usually show up by outwardly criticising others. Its more likely to comment on others and project self criticism via that comment.
The Criticizer ESP is very harsh and doesn't let you make many mistakes. You may find that you constantly criticise others but you really don't want to. It just comes out. When you criticise others, it is often your own self criticism. You end up feeling guilty knowing you are being too critical but in the heat of the moment, you can't seem to catch it. You often say or write things you later regret. You fear judgement and that includes when those around you (such as your team, or your family) making mistakes, that this might reflect on you so you try and ensure no one makes mistakes. Your fear of failing is made easier if you think others will also fail too so you overly focus on this.

The Isolator Emotional Survival Pattern®
A rigid Isolator ESP believes it can really do the entire entrepreneurial journey alone. When you collaborate, it finds reasons to unravel the collaboration so you can be alone again.
The Isolator ESP is most happy when you are on your own. It feels safer then. If it were a choice between collaborating and working with others and burn out due to working alone, the Isolator ESP would push you to pick burn out (although you wouldn't know this because the Isolator ESP convinces you that it is easier to work alone (which is a lie). You desperately want close business friends but taking consistent and long term steps to find them is really hard for you. You find it hard to trust others fully and might worry that if you open up, people will steal your ideas or not support you. You start most relationships assuming you will be let down in some way.

The Peackeeper Emotional Survival Pattern®
A strong Peackeeper ESP is overly accepting and has very strong, heightened empathy for others. It likes peace and wants to avoid any conflict
The Peacekeeper ESP is very optimistic about the future and very diplomatic. It will show up by you being the ultimate 'yes' person. You might have very poor boundaries because you rarely say No and may agree to things you really don't want to do or which really aren't beneficial for your business. You are likely to be underpaid for your services. You might be seen as apathetic as your needs are so switched off. And you may have fears that you will be separated from the 'group' if you don't accomodate everyone else. You can been a bit of a door mat for others and so may be passive aggresive when you are trying to speak up for yourself. You crave being accepted and heard for who you truly are inside.
Ready to take the next step?
If you suspect that your Emotional Survival Patterns® are sabotaging your business, limiting your results and causing you to make less money than you desire, it is time to free yourself from their grip. This is what I teach you to do.