By Suzi Belmont - October 4, 2024

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (10 minutes)

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Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is one of the very first tools I started to use to help me get back in contact with my body and learning how to feel again (it took me a while!). Practising with this PMR technique once a day will slowly help you learn how to communicate with your own body which may be something you have not done for years (or decades). 

PMR is really helpful for anyone dealing with stress, tension and anxiety amongst other things. This 10 minute version is short so you can incorporate it into your week as often as you like. It is great to listen to before bed or at any point you are feeling stressed.

The goal of this PMR is to help you become more aware of how you use the muscles in your body.

Most people are able to learn to relax their muscles much more deeply than they normally do. This is significant because even when you think you are completely relaxed, there is normally some residual tension still in your body. This 10 minute PMR will help you release that (hence the more you do it, the better).

Once you are aware of how your muscles are behaving, you are usually able to reduce physical and mental symptoms of stress and tension. You may also find that you are more able to cope with situations that previously stressed you or make you anxious. You can do this PMR as often as you want to and any time of the day.

You can listen to the audio here on the website (above), or you can listen on You Tube directly. 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation 10 minutes

Don't forget to subscribe on YouTube so you get notifications of new 10 minute meditations or other Inside Out® trainings from Suzi. 

If you are finding that you have a tendency to drift away into thought when meditating, that is ok. With practice you will find it comes more easily.

You might also find, especially if you have ADHD that long meditations are difficult for you to focus on. If so, aim for short 10 minute ones like these. 

Tips for success with PMR

  • Don't over stress your muscles! It is not about being the most tense ever. It is a slow incremental increase in tension. So, as long as you have some increase in tension, it will make a difference. 
  • Focus on the FEELING in your muscles. Notice the difference between tension and relaxation in your muscles. If your mind drifts, come back to this or to your breathing. 
  • Starting or ending your day with a 10 minute PMR can really help. It is especially useful just before bedtime. 
  • If you find you sometimes feel strong emotions when you tense your muscles (such as anger), don't fight that. Just acknowledge it and notice how different you feel as you release the anger.  

Find out your Emotional Survival Patterns®

If you are curious to learn more about your inner world, your emotions and how they might be controlling your life, you can take the Quiz to find out your Emotional Survival Patterns®. These are patterns which may be causing you to self sabotage, limit yourself or live out of alignment with your true self. The ESP Quiz is free to take and you get your results as soon as you finish the quiz.  You can take the quiz HERE or click on the image below. 

Discover your Entrepreneurial Sabotaging Patters Quiz QUIZ

If you enjoyed this, you might also like:

  • Suzi's story of letting go and moving on with her life in Episode 1 of the Inside Out Entrepreneur® Podcast here.
  • Listen to Suzi's 10 minute Body Scan Meditation which you can find on YouTube here
  • Learn a full Inside Out® Morning routine from Suzi. You can access that on this page here.
  • Listen to Suzi's podcast for more focused support for modern, ambitious and entrepreneurial women who are (at the same time) a little bit mentally exhausted, anxious or drained. You can find our details here

You can listen to more meditations on Suzi's YouTube here or for more discussion about female entrepreneurship and leadership and women who want to uplevel their lives from the inside out®, subscribe to Suzi's podcast on all major platforms including any of the below. By subscribing, you are guaranted to find out about all future shows. 

Thank you for taking 10 minutes for you!

I'd love to hear how you are finding the meditations series on YouTube. 

You can email on with any feedback or you can tag me with your reviews or feedback on any of the socials at the bottom of the post below. 

Inside Out Morning® Work Book by Suzi Belmont

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